The Triangle-Lighting Bolt Smart Phone

30 Jul

First off let me start off by saying that I love smart phones, and I love google products. If this was math analogy, then you would write smart phones+android=me(love). (That seems more like a caveman math analogy.)

I currently have a smart phone that I hate. I hate it because it is the only smart phone that was designed to run three apps, and three apps only. There is just no room on this thing. My phone displays the little low on memory triangle-lighting bolt symbol no matter what I take off. I have grown to hate that symbol with my whole heart.

You know how some people hate the little voice mail symbol that looks like that old camera film cartilage from the 80s, I am plagued by that triangle-lighting bolt thing from hell.

Now the phones come with apps…apps I don’t use. I don’t understand why I can’t take these apps off. For instance the phone came with a music app and a mytouch music app. Guess what? Both play music. Can’t take either one off. It came with an AppPack app to add more apps to a phone that has no room. The Google Market isn’t good enough I guess…it only has a billion apps on it. It came with a Clock App and a Desk Clock app. They both tell time, just one looks like a cheap motel room desk clock. I am forced to keep them both. I have an IM app to which I don’t IM. It’s nice for those who do, but since I don’t I would like to be able to delete it. I have a PDF viewer, to which I am not going to be viewing PDF files on my phone. I find PDF files annoying and hard to navigate on the computer, I certainly don’t want to make them smaller and harder. (Although I do enjoy trying to read a PDF file and having it jump 4 pages ahead of where I need it to be with just one scroll of the mouse.)

Then there is my good buddy QuickOffice. The greatest waste of space app ever created. When you first open it, it asks you to register it. After you register it, it acts like it’s loading some big, great, Microsoft Office style application, with a little green loading bar taking it’s time, making you wait in fevered anticipation, until…it loads a blank page. At the top of this blank page it says: open file. Pressing the words ‘open file’ do nothing. It does not matter how many times you press the words ‘open file’, it will refuse to open any files. (The app even snickers a little at you.) If you press the menu button you get two options; Sort and Search. If you think about it…they are the same option. They look grey out, but you can press them to either sort your blank page, or search your blank page. I prefer to sort my blank pages to make sure my blankness is in alphabetical blankness. I can be a tad bit OCD about blank pages. Sorry.

Once a txt file did appear in my QuickOffice app entitled: battery_history.txt. Pressing on it brought my row upon row of:

2011/01/23|9:50:30 PM|-82mA|47%|3807mV|26.0C

I was able to scroll up the lines and down the lines until it ate my battery power and my phone died. I could not delete the text file which was a nice feature. This little beauty of an app takes up about 5.05mb of space and is un-delete-able. Perfect.

I have no music, no games, and very few pictures and the most essential of apps. I cannot live without these apps and will not live without them. I am not a barbarian for god’s sake…or a vegan.

Facebook, TweetCaster Pro, And Google+ (It came with a twitter client called Peep, which you can not remove, and if your into only using 1% of what Twitter has to offer, then this is the app for you.)

Navigation and Find My Car- because I can’t find directions to the neighbor’s house much less to Universal Studios about 20 miles from my home. Then once I find Universal Studios, I won’t remember where I have parked my car when I am done sweating and fighting foreign people for a place in line for the frozen banana on a stick cart.

Google Music-plays the music on your phone, which I have none of, because you know…that requires room to  store. Google Music allows you to store your music on the internet. I have about 20 million songs stored which gives me a nice variety to listen to in the car. This also helps solve my internal storage issue.

Pandora-another option for the car. I love the comedy channel.

Evernote and Google Calender – because I can’t keep track of my life without them.


WatchDog and SeekDroid – to help save battery power and if you ever steal my phone it will explode in your hands.

Spanish Translator – Because I live in Florida

Joke App – Another given.

Total Commander – To help delete things from my phone so I don’t get that damn little triangle lighting thingy…If my phone were my body I have already cut off my arms, legs, eyes, tongue, ears, and scalp. I’m down to deciding if I really need a torso or not. (Or maybe I don’t need a neck.)

Gmail – I keep this neat and trim. No unnecessary email. When I get it, I read it, I delete it. Don’t want to waste any valuable space with email from my Mom or brother who is currently in Ireland.

Handscent – This is my one luxury.  I could use the boring one that came with the phone and not this beautiful SMS that makes texting so much more enjoyable and heaven-like…but I’m not going too. I’m keeping my torso. (Or neck.)

Not to worry I can spend $500 on a new phone, or wait for my upgrade. Except every time I call and ask when I am eligible for a discount, it’s still like 20 years away…in a month that doesn’t exist.


The Farmer In The Dell Pt One

29 Jul

The Farmer was in his dell. He was instructed to be there by a little piece of paper.

The paper simply said:

Go to the dell.
Wait for instructions.
Or Else.

Ok, thought the Farmer. I’m here. Now what? Or else what?

After about twenty minutes of nothing, the Farmer called, “Hi-Ho!…..Hi-Ho! Anybody there? Hello? Derry-o, anybody there?”

No answer. Apparently the country side of Derry was deserted today, which did not help with the mysterious note with it’s day wasting instructions.

The Farmer sat down.

Off in the distance several tiny dots appeared. As they got closer the Farmer could make out the Pastor’s wife, a small boy, a woman dressed in a nurses uniform, a cow, a dog, a cat, and a rat. Behind them were two big angry men carrying two big angry guns.

Oh my god, thought the Farmer. The Farmer had no weapons and those guys looked big…and angry.

The Farmer slipped back into the brush of the dell. He peeked out, easily concealed by the bushes.

What to do? What to do? The Farmer’s mind was racing.

The group was on the outskirts of the tree line now.

One of the men with the guns barked, “We rest here. 5 minutes.”

The humans looked exhausted. They sat down, no literally fell down where they stood. The Pastor’s wife flopped right in front of where the Farmer was hiding.

The animals huddled together, except the cow which began to graze on the grass.

The angry gun brothers put there guns against their legs and lit cigarettes.

The Farmer waited a minute then tried to get the Pastor’s wife attention.

“Psst, psst,” he hissed at her but she just sat there.

“Hey,” he tried a little louder, almost too loud, as he glanced at the men with guns.

They looked like they had begun arguing over something stupid like politics, or religion, or industrial death metal, or political religious industrial death metal. Whatever, it didn’t matter…what mattered was at some point they laid their guns on the ground. They seemed really preoccupied. Their backs were slightly turned away from where the Farmer was hiding. This was the Farmer’s chance.

In one quick ninja-like swoop, he put his hands on the Pastor’s wife’s hips and took her.

To Be Continued…

Protected: Zombie Sniper

28 Jul

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Waiter’s Haiku

27 Jul

The Ancient Japanese Art Of Poetry As It Pertains To Waiters

Waiter, Where are you?

Bring a glass of Coke, please

No ice in my drink


The tip on the table

Jingles and fits easily

In my blue change purse


The Chef has a knife

He wants to chop vegetables

But first he must smoke


Flies found in my soup

Guarantee a free desert

Top with a cherry


I ordered it rare

The steak is over done, Yuk

Your tip will suffer


He wants a salad

Hold the croutons and peppers

Dressing on the side


The man is choking

He has shoved to much bread

Into his big mouth


The meal has ended

The check comes to the table

No one wants to pay


The meal has ended

The check comes to the table

No one wants to pay


The salt and pepper

Was taken to someone’s house

There’s more rice than salt!


My ice tea needs more…

Do you have sweet-n-low here?

It causes cancer

The Best Zombie Movies

26 Jul

If your a fan of horror movies here is a list of great zombie movies to check out. These are in no particular order.

Zombieland (2009)

The perfect blend of zombie and comedy. Starring Woody Harrelson being Woody, Jessie Eisenberg being Jessie, and a great cameo of Bill Murry being Bill.

Dawn Of The Dead (remake) (2004)

A remake of George A. Romero’s movie of the same name.Both take place in a mall, but the remake answers the question, what if a zombie had a baby?

Land Of The Dead (2005)

Another one by Romero with Dennis Hopper as the ruler of a zombie free city deciding who lives and who dies.

28 Days Later (2002)

Some argue that this is more of a virus film, which maybe somewhat true…however a great story and the introduction of British zombies which move much faster.  Zombie movies have moved more towards a virus explanation of how the outbreak happens anyway. It’s a little more realistic than dead people rising from the grave. 

Dead Alive (1992)

Before Peter Jackson played with Hobbits, he made this film. Funny and creative.

Night Of The Living Dead (1968)

The George A. Romero movie that brought zombies to the mainstream. This  classic black and white film still holds up today.

Dead Snow (2009)

Nazi zombies. Need I say more? Be warned, this one has subtitles if you hate to read your movies.

Planet Terror (2007)

The only film worth watching out of the Grindhouse movies. A machine gun instead of a leg? Now your interested!

Return Of The Living Dead (1985)

Braaaains! This movie is credited with first introducing that famous zombie mantra.

Shawn Of The Dead (2004)

Another comedy/zombie film. Starts off a little slow, but stick with it…the payoff is well worth it.

DeadGirl (2008)

Sex with a zombie. Boys will be boys with a chained up naked zombie girl. This one is a primer on how to get the school’s douche bag’s penis eaten off by a zombie. 

A List Of Other Zombie Movies (In No Particular Order):

No guarantees whether these are good or bad. (But sometimes bad can be good.) 

2056 Escape from Zombie Island 2012
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
A Little Bit Zombie 2012
A Virgin Among the Living Dead 1973
Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies 2012
Ada: Zombilerin dügünü 2010
After Sundown 2006
Against the Dark 2009
Alice Jacobs Is Dead 2009
Alien Dead 1980
Alien Massacre (Gallery of Horrors) 1967
All Souls Day 2005
Alles Zombies 2001
American Zombie 2007
Angry and Moist: An Undead Chronicle 2004
Army of Darkness 1992
Army of the Dead – Der Fluch der Anasazi 2008

Astro Zombies1968

Atom the Amazing Zombie Killer 2012

Atomic Brain Invasion 2010

Attack of the Beast Creatures 2002

Attack of the Flesh Devouring Space Worms from Outer Space 1998

Attack of the Vegan Zombies! 2010

Automaton Transfusion 2002

Autumn 2009

Awaken the Dead 2007

BFF Zombie 2012

Back from the Dead 1957

Bad Friend 2004

Baron Blood 1972

Bath Salt Zombies 2013

Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay 1991

Battlefield Baseball 2003

Beneath Still Waters 2005

Beneath the Surface 2007

Beverly Lane 2010

Beyond Re-Animator 2003

Beyond the Grave 2010

Big Tits Zombie 2010

Bio Zombie 1998

Bio Zombie 2: Bio Cops 2000

Bio-Dead 2009

Biohazardous 2001

Biophage 2010

Black Magic II (Gou hun jiang tou) 1976

Black Sheep 2006

Blood Creek 2009

Blood Moon Rising 2009

Blood Nasty 1989

Blood Of The Zombie (The Dead One) 1961

Blood Suckers from Outer Space 1984

Blood of Ghastly Horror 1972

Blood of the Beast 2003

Bloodeaters (Toxic Zombies) 1980

Bloodlust Zombies 2011

Bloodsuckers from Outer Space 1984

Bloody New Year 1987

Bone Sickness 2004

Bong of the Dead 2011

Boot Hill Blind Dead 2003

Bounty 2010

Bowery at Midnight 1942

Boy Eats Girl 2005

Brain Blockers 2007

Braindead (Dead Alive) 1992

Bride of Re-Animator 1990

Broken Springs 2010

Bubba’s Chili Parlor 2005

Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror 1981

C.H.U.D. 1984

C.H.U.D. II: Bud the C.H.U.D. 1989

Cannibal Cheerleader Camp 2008

Cargo (Shortfilm) 2013

Carnival of the Damned 2008

Cast a Deadly Spell 1991

Catholic Ghoulgirls 2005

Celluloid Bloodbath: More Prevues from Hell 2012

Cemetery Man 1994

Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things 1972

Children of the Living Dead 2001

Chillers 1987

Choking Hazard 2004

Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town 1989

City of Rott 2006

City of the Living Dead 1980

Cockneys vs Zombies 2012

Colin 2008

Corpse Eaters 1974

Corpses 2004

Corpses are Forever 2003

Creature of the Walking Dead 1965

Creature with the Atom Brain 1955

Creatures From the Pink Lagoon 2006

Creepshow 1982

Creepshow 2 1987

Curse of the Living Corpse 1964

Curse of the Living Dead 1974

Curse of the Zombie 1989

Dance of the Dead 2008

Danger! 50,000 Zombies! 2004

Dark Echo 1977

Dark Floors 2008

Dawn of the Dead 1978

Dawn of the Dead (remake) 2004

Dawn of the Mummy 1981

Day X 2005

Day of the Dead 1985

Day of the Dead (remake) 2008

Day of the Dead 2: Contagium 2005

Days of Darkness 2007

Dead & Rotting 2002

Dead Air 2009

Dead And Gone 2008

Dead Clowns 2003

Dead Country 2008

Dead Creatures 2001

Dead Creek 2005

Dead Dudes in the House 1991

Dead Flesh 2002

Dead Heat 1988

Dead Heist 2007

Dead Life 2005

Dead Meat 2004

Dead Men Don’t Die 1990

Dead Men Walking 2005

Dead Moon Rising 2007

Dead Noon 2007

Dead Past 2010

Dead Season 2012

Dead Serious 2005

Dead Set 2008

Dead Snow 2009

Dead Space: Downfall 2008

Dead Summer 2005

Dead Things 2005

Dead and Breakfast 2004

Dead and Buried 1981

Dead and Deader 2006

Dead at the Box Office 2005

Dead in the Water 2006

Dead is Dead 1992

Dead of Night (Deathdream) 1974

Dead/Undead 2002

DeadHeads 2011

Deadgirl 2008

Deadhunter: Sevillian Zombies 2003

Deadland 2010

Deadlands 2: Trapped 2008

Deadlands: The Rising 2006

Deadly Friend 1986

Deadtime Stories 2 2009
Death Becomes Her 1986
Death Factory 2002
Death Metal Zombies 1995
Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill 2004
Death Warmed Up 1984
Death of the Dead 2011
Deathwatch 2002
Deep River: The Island 2009

Demoni 3 1991

Descendents 2008

Devil’s Kiss 1976

Devil’s Playground 2010

Diary of the Dead 2007

Die You Zombie Bastards 2005

Die Zombiejäger 2005

Die and Let Live 2006

Die-ner (Get It?) 2009

Doctor Blood’s Coffin 1961

Doghouse 2009

Don’t Go Near the Park 1981

Doom 2005

Doomed 2007

Doomed to Consume 2006

Dorm of the Dead 2006

Drive-In Horror 2009

Dug Up 2013

Dug Up 2013

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night 2010

Eat Me! 2010

Eaters 2011

Ed and His Dead Mother 1993

Edges of Darkness 2009
Electric Zombies 2006
Enter the Zombie2006
Erotic Nights of the Living Dead 1980
Escape 1971
Evil – In the Time of Heroes 2009
Evil Dead 2013
Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn 1987
Evil Grave: Curse of the Maya 2004
Evil Keg 2007
Evilution 2008
Exhumed 2003
Exit Humanity 2011
Fading of the Cries 2011
Fangoria Blood Drive 2004
Fast Zombies with Guns 2009
Feeding the Masses20042.0Fido20063.7First Platoon20130.0Flesh Eating Mothers19883.3Flesh Freaks20001.0Flesh for the Beast20032.5Flesheater19883.4Flick20080.0Flight of the Living Dead20074.9Flotte Jungs auf Zombiejagd19890.0Fog²- Revenge of the Executed20070.0Forest of the Dead20052.0Forever Dead20073.3Four Horror Tales – Dark Forest20060.0From a Whisper to a Scream (The Offspring)19870.0From the Dead of Night19890.0Gallowwalker20092.3Gangs of the Dead (aka Last Rites)20064.5Gangsters, Guns & Zombies20120.0Garden of the Dead19724.0Gay by Dawn20040.0George’s Intervention20090.0Ghost Brigade (Grey Knight)19931.0Ghost Lake20041.3Ghost Town19880.0Ghost Zombie20070.0Ghosts of Mars20014.5Ghouls20080.0Goosebumps – Welcome to Dead House19970.0Gore Whore19940.0GoreGoyles: First Cut20030.0Goremet, Zombie Chef from Hell19860.0Gory Gory Hallelujah20030.0Grapes of Death19780.0Grave Mistake20080.0Graveyard20030.0Graveyard Alive: A Zombie Nurse In Love20031.0Graveyard of the Living Dead20080.0Hanging Woman19730.0Hard Rock Zombies19853.3Harold’s Going Stiff20110.0Heavy Metal19813.0Hell Driver20105.0Hell of the Living Dead (Virus)19804.5

Hellgate 1990

Hide and Creep 2004

Highschool of the dead 2010

Holdout 2012

Hollywood Mortuary 1998

Hood of Horror 2006

Hood of the Living Dead 2005

Horror Express 1972

Horror Hospital 1973

Horrors of War 2006

Horrorween 2011

Hot Wax Zombies on Wheels 1999

House by the Cemetery 1981

House of Clocks 1989

House of Re-Animator 2010

House of the Damned 2008

House of the Dead 2003

House of the Dead 2 2005

House of the Living Dead 1973

Humans Versus Zombies 2011

Hunting Creatures 2004

Hysterical 1983

I Am Bish 2009

I Am Legend 2007

I Am Omega2007

I Bury The Living 1958

I Eat Your Skin 1964

I Sell the Dead 2008

I Walked with a Zombie 1943

I Was a Teenage Zombie 1987

I Was a Zombie for the F.B.I. 1982

I’ll See You in My Dreams 2003

I, Zombie: The Chronicles of Pain 1998

Idle Hands 1999

Insanitarium20080.0Invasion20070.0Invasion of the Not Quite Dead20111.7Invisible Invaders19590.0It’s My Party and I’ll Die If I Want To20070.0Jean Claude the Gumming Zombie20094.3Johnny Sunshine Maximum Violence20080.0Juan of the Dead20110.0Junk: Shiryô-gari20004.0Killing Spree19870.0King of the Zombies19410.0Kiss Daddy Goodbye19813.0Knight of the Living Dead20050.0Kung Fu Zombie19820.0L.A. Zombie20100.0La mansión de los muertos vivientes19850.0Land of the Dead20054.2Last of the Living20083.7Le Divan vert20050.0Legion of the Dead20051.3Legion of the Night19950.0Let Sleeping Corpses Lie19744.3Let’s Scare Jessica to Death19714.0Life Force19854.0Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout19920.0Livelihood20050.0Living Dead Girl19824.0Living Dead Lock Up20050.0Living Dead Lock Up 2: March of the Dead20073.0Living Dead at Tokyo Bay19920.0Living a Zombie Dream19960.0Long Live the Dead20120.0Lord of the Undead20040.0Machine Head20110.0Mad Doctor of Blood Island19680.0Make-Out with Violence20080.0Mangue Negro20080.0Maplewoods20030.0Mark of the Astro Zombies20020.0Mausoleum19830.0Meat Market20003.5Meat Market 220013.0Meat Market 320063.0Messiah of Evil (Dead People)19731.5Mortuary20052.6Motocross Zombies from Hell20070.0Mulberry Street – After Dark Horror Fest20073.8Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker20011.0Mutant19844.5Mutant Vampire Zombies from the Hood20081.5Mutants20093.5Mutation20060.0Mutation – Annihilation20070.0Mutation 2 – Generation Dead20010.0Mutation 3 – Century of the Dead20020.0My Boyfriend’s Back19930.0Necro Wars20100.0Necropolis Awakened20022.0Necroville20071.7Neon Maniacs19862.7Night Life19893.5Night of Horror19780.0Night of the Comet19844.2Night of the Creeps19864.0Night of the Day of the … of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Hellbound, Flesh-Eating Subhumanoid Zombified Living Dead, Part 320053.3Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Terror19913.8Night of the Dead20062.2Night of the Ghouls19590.0Night of the Living Babes19870.0Night of the Living Dead 3D20060.0Night of the Living Dead 3D: Re-Animation20120.0Night of the Living Dead: Origins 3D20130.0Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated20094.0Night of the Living Dorks20043.8Night of the Living Heads20100.0Night of the Zombies19814.0Night of the living dead19684.5Night of the living dead (remake)19904.4Nightmare Alley20100.0Nightmare Circus19740.0Nightmare City19804.0Nightmare Weekend19864.3Nightmare of the Living Dead19980.0Nihombie 1 (Zombie Self-Defense Force)20062.0Nihombie 3 (High School Girl Rika: Zombie Hunter)20080.0Ninja Zombies20110.0Ninjas vs. Zombies20102.5Noctem20032.0Not Quite Dead20073.7Nudist Colony of the Dead19914.0O.C. Babes and the Slasher of Zombietown20080.0Oasis of the Zombies19812.3Oh! My Zombie Mermaid (House of Dead)20040.0One Dark Night19834.0Onechanbara: The Movie20081.5Oneechanbara 2 (Zombie Killer Vortex)20092.0Orgy of the Dead19653.0Otto, or Up With Dead People20083.3Ouanga19360.0Outpost20084.4Outpost 2: Black Sun20122.0Ozone (Street Zombies)19933.0Panic (Bakterion, in Greece – Zombi 4)19820.0ParaNorman20120.0Parasitic20120.0Pathogen20060.0Pesticide20080.0Pet Sematary19894.0Pet Sematary 219924.3Pig Hunt20080.0Plaga Zombie – The Beginning19970.0Plaga Zombie: Zona Mutante20013.5Plague Town20080.0Plaguers20080.0Plan 9 from Outer Space19594.0Planet Terror20074.3Platoon of the Dead20092.7Pleasures of the Damned20050.0Pontypool20084.4Pop Punk Zombies20110.0Porn of the Dead20060.0Portrait of a Zombie20104.5Post Mortem, America 202120110.0Pot Zombies20051.0Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead20060.0

Premutos: Lord of the Living Dead 1997

Prince of Darkness 1987

Prison of the Dead 2000

Project Nine 2010

Punk Rock Zombie Kung Fu Catfight 2004

Pushin’ Up Daisies 2010

Quarantine 2008

Quarantine 2: Terminal 2011

Quatermass 2 1957REC20074.6REC 220093.8REC³ Génesis20123.0Rabid19774.3Raiders of the Damned20052.7Raiders of the Living Dead19863.5Rammbock – Siege of the Dead20103.9Raw Force19820.0Raw Zombie 1119990.0Re-Animator19854.6Redneck Carnage20090.0Redneck Zombies19873.2Reel Zombies20083.0Remains20110.0Resident Evil20024.6Resident Evil: Afterlife20100.0Resident Evil: Apocalypse20044.3Resident Evil: Damnation20120.0Resident Evil: Degeneration20084.4Resident Evil: Extinction20074.8Resident Evil: Retribution20121.0RetarDEAD20084.0Return of the Living Dead 219884.0Return of the Living Dead 319933.8Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis20052.6Return of the Living Dead 5: Rave to the Grave20052.0Revenge of the Living Dead Girls19871.5Revenge of the Zombies19434.0Revolt of the Zombies19361.0Rise of the Damned20110.0Rise of the Dead20072.0Rise of the Undead20051.0Rise of the Zombies20120.0Risen20080.0Ritual20020.0Romeo & Juliet vs. The Living Dead20090.0Rotten Shaolin Zombies20041.0Route 66620012.6SARS Wars (Khun krabii hiiroh)20044.8Sabbath20051.0Sairen20060.0Samurai Zombie20084.0Santa Claus Versus the Zombies20110.0Santo Contra los Zombis19620.0Scary or Die20120.0Schoolgirl Apocalypse20110.0Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island19983.3Seedpeople19920.0Serpent and the Rainbow19884.3Seven Doors of Death (aka The Beyond)19814.6Severed: Forest of the Dead20053.7Sexykiller, morirás por ella20080.0Shadow: Dead Riot20063.0Shadows of the Dead20042.0Shaolin Vs. Evil Dead20041.0Shatter Dead19942.0Shaun of the Dead20044.8Shock Waves19773.3Sick and the Dead20090.0Silent Night, Zombie Night20090.0Sint20100.0Slices of Life20100.0Slime City Massacre20100.0Slither20063.1Sole Survivor19832.0Song of the Dead20052.5Space Zombie Bingo19933.0Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem!20040.0Special Dead20064.0Spirit Vs. Zombie19890.0Stacy20013.8Stag Night of the Dead20090.0Stoned Dead20065.0Storm of the Dead20061.0Street Team Massacre20073.0Street of the Dead20080.0Stripperland20110.0Sugar Hill19740.0Summer of the Zombies20110.0Surf 219840.0Survival of the Dead20094.1Swamp Zombies20052.8Tales of Terror19620.0Teenage Zombie House Massacre20000.0Teenage Zombies19590.0Tele-Zombie20040.0Terror Creatures from the Grave19654.0The Aftermath19820.0The Alchemist19840.0The Aliens and Kong Kong Zombie19890.0The Blind Dead (Tombs of the Blind Dead)19724.3The Blind Dead 2 (Return of the Evil Dead)19733.0The Blind Dead 3 (The Ghost Galleon)19743.0The Blind Dead 4 (The Night of the Sea Gulls)1975
The Bloodfest Club 2012
The Bog Creatures 2003
The Boneyard 1991

The Book of Zombie2010The Brain That Wouldn’t Die19620.0The Cabin in the Woods 2011

The Child 1977

The Chilling 1998

The Clown (Le Queloune)20084.2The Crypt20092.0The Curse of the Screaming Dead19822.0The Dark Power19853.0The Day It Came to Earth19790.0The Dead20094.3The Dead Don’t Die19750.0The Dead Hate the Living2000The Dead Live 2006

The Dead Next Door 1989

The Dead Outside 2008

The Dead Pit 1989

The Dead Undead 2009
The Dead are Alive 1972
The Death Curse of Tartu 1966
The Earth Dies Screaming 1965
The Evil Dead 1981
The Ghost Breakers 1940
The Ghoul 1933
The Ghouls 2003
The Granny 1995
The Harvard Zombie Massacre20135.0The Horde20094.6The Horror of Party Beach19640.0The House by the Cemetery19813.7The House of Seven Corpses19742.0The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies19643.0The Jitters19894.0The Last Man on Earth19644.5The Laughing Dead19891.5The Living Corpse20100.0The Living Dead Girl19820.0The Living and the Dead2006
The Mad 2007
The Mad Ghoul19431.0

Meanwhile Somewhere On The Internet Pt 2

25 Jul

Pictures from the net…


That car is appealing. (What? Too easy?)


Funny, Beautiful, Clever, It made me cry.


For the love of eggs.


Great use for the legos left lying around.


24 Jul


I saw a Unicorn battle a Robot.

I think I was the only winner in that….

In Hell I wonder if they ever feel like they have had a day from Earth?

I am a lier.
That statement is not true.

Protected: Henry Misses His Zombie Brother

23 Jul

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Pandas Make Horrible Best Friends

22 Jul

Pandas do not make good best friends.
They never return your calls, or emails, or text messages.
They never pick up the tab in a restaurant.
They never hold your hair back when you’re throwing up in the toilet.
They always make you drive.
They never ask you to be the Best Man or Maid of Honor at their wedding.
They always tell you, you look fat even though they are fatter than you.
They will try to eat your baby and then play it off as a “joke”.
They enter you into contests without your permission.
They will hack your Facebook and Twitter and leave status updates that make you look gay… and if you’re gay they will leave status updates that make you look straight.
They never laugh at your jokes and always laugh at your tears.
They will cook you dinner, but it will always be the same thing… bamboo and meatballs.
They will bitch slap your Mom and then tell you that’s the panda way.
They will perform an interpretive dance, dedicate it to you, and by interpretive dance I mean poop on your floor.
They always have to control the remote.
They will insist on giving you a haircut, but will not due to the fact that Pandas boycott the movie Edward Scissorhands.
Pandas fart a lot.
They will pick bugs out of their fur and then wipe them on the dog.
They will pee on your hamster.
They hate the Beastie Boys.
They think ostriches would make good talk show hosts and will talk for hours trying to prove their point.
They are left handed.
They never brush their teeth and when they do, they will use your toothbrush.
They think their teeth are located up their butt.
They only drink RC Cola.
They have beady eyes.

If you’re a fan of the panda, and are offended by any of the above statements… then by all means become best friends with a panda. Just let me be the first to say, “I told you so. “

Another Day At The Drive-Thru

21 Jul

I don’t understand why they put people on the drive-thru that don’t listen. That is your entire job description is to listen. (And then to put food in a bag, and hand it to me.)

Here is how every drive-thru exchange goes for me:

“Hi,  welcome to McCheesyville. Would you like to try our new Sushi Shake? ”

Me: “No thank you. I need just one minute please. ”

“Go right ahead with your order.”

Me: “I uh, just need a minute please. ”

“Ok, let me know when you’re ready. ”

One minute later.

Me: “Ok, I’m ready.”


Me: “Hello, I’m ready. Anybody there?”

“Anytime you’re ready go ahead.”

Me: “Ok, I’ll have two mini fish patty nugget wraps, and an order of…”

“Hold on, I’m not ready.”

Me: “What? You just said you were.”

“Yes, go ahead.”

Me: “Ok, I’ll have two mini fish patty nugget wraps, and an order of…”

“Go slower, please.”

Me (slower): “Two mini fish patty nugget wraps, an order of onion rings, and a soda. That is all.”

“Is that all?”

I just said that was all. I hate when they ask me if that is all, when I just said that is all, thus preventing the need to ask me if that is all!

Just for that, I now usually mess with them a bit.

Me: “Um, no. Add a baby tiger butt.”

This is usually followed by brief silence.

“I’m sorry sir, what?”

Me: “Add a side of baby tiger butt, and let’s see…a gnome head. That’s all. No, super size it.”

Silence, followed by, “Is that all?”

Me: “Narnia.”

“Please pull around for your total.”

And it’s still wrong.

They forgot the baby tiger butt.