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Stealing A Stinky Linky

27 Mar

If you have not read the blog: A Rich, Full Life In Spite of It; then you have not read it.

But if you have read the blog: A Rich, Full Life In Spite of It; then you probably are a fan.

Go check it out, it’s one of my priority reads. For a list of my other top blogging reads, send a self addressed stamped envelope with a cashiers check for $10 to the address listed below.

I was lucky enough to be included in this post by A Rich, Full Life In Spite of It: Stinky Linky. Click on the link for the full article. It’s a quick read, I promise.

It’s basically a thank you to her readers, a little plug, and some Q & A…or Questions and Answers for the non-hip abbreviated crowd.

Lifted from A Rich, Full Life In Spite of It’s blog, the question to me: I feel some pressure to be funny on Facebook now that you and some of your friends have added me. Sadly, Bok Choy Boy was only funny to my husband, my college roommate and me. In a knife-for-hands fight, would you pick Edward Scissor Hands or Freddy Kruger? Can you Photoshop these two together and take a finger bang potential poll? The results are pretty obvious, but that would kind of make my week. Also, have you seen this blog?

And my responses:

A) Don’t feel pressure to be funny on Facebook. Just be yourself. You don’t even have to post, just throw some “likes” out to those people. They are “like” whores. I’m a “like” whore. Hell, everyone is a “like” whore when it comes down to it.

B) Yeah, I didn’t get the Bok Choy Boy thing either, but I’m thinking about making a story up about it. Bok Choy Boy vs. Won Ton Man.

C) Freddy Krueger, hands down would win in a fight over Edward Scissorhands. Eddy is a pus. Or should I say, Freddy Krueger, blades down would win in a fight over Edward Scissorhands. Eddy is a hairdressing bush trimmer.

D) Unfortunately my photoshop skills are limited to cutting the heads off bodies and pasting them onto other bodies. But I like the idea.

E) Umm, do you know what finger banging means? (*whispering* It’s a sex term!) And if you do….you naughty minx! (I always wanted to call someone a naughty minx…just could never work it into conversation before. Thank you.)

F) I have not seen that blog and it was awesome! ( I never knew you could use a tampon as a weapon other than as an excuse not to have sex.

P.S. I don’t have a topic for tomorrow, so I’m re-blogging this!

A different type of finger bang.

Team Edward?

Twitter Friday Pt 3

23 Mar

The Best Of Twitter This Week. (Actually last week)

And As A Bonus This Week:

I changed this Ad from Facebook:

To this Ad:

Twitter Friday Pt 1

17 Feb

My favorite Tweets this week: (Warning: Not for the sensitive.)

Meanwhile Somewhere On The Internet Pt 25

27 Jan

Everyone needs one.

One of the dangers of not protecting the environment.

Good story...not enough pictures

If it comes down to it...

Meanwhile Somewhere On The Internet Pt 24

20 Jan

No...everyone loves pictures of water.


Cats have very addictive personalities.


Drop me off!


CDs are becoming outdated anyway....

Meanwhile Somewhere On The Internet Pt 23

13 Jan

His name is my name too.

Just. Like. Life.

Instructions for Bachelors and Teenagers

Can't decide which way is hotter...

Meanwhile Somewhere On The Internet Pt 22

6 Jan

Poor Mr. Octopus

Just giving the lady a helping hand...full

As long as he doesn't tell that watch story from Pulp Fiction, I'm good with that.

It's the faces that makes this funny. Trust me. Keep looking at the picture awhile.

2011 in review

3 Jan

Honestly I started writing this as a challenge to keep my brain from turning into mush. I’m not the best writer, nor am I striving to be. My topics often only make me laugh, and laugh alone I will. I am thankful to all those that took a read, left a comment, or clicked the Like button. Hopefully you found something of mild amusement, or great amusement, or I’ll even take arched eyebrows in a ‘What the hell’ state.

Hopefully, unlike the Mayans, whom I suspect just got tired of chiseling their calendar in the wall, I will be able to keep posting throughout 2012.

Peace, Love, and Boobies,

Christopher De Voss

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,200 times in 2011. If it were a cable car, it would take about 37 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Meanwhile Somewhere On The Internet Pt 21

30 Dec

The Last Friday of 2011, and according to the Mayans, we are going to be short Friday’s in 2012…and there will be none in 2013…oh well!

Sounded like fun at first, then I thought it might hurt certain parts of my male anatomy a lot.


My neighbor is the same way.


Dude, the other door is so far away, dude.


Poor T-Rex. No clapping, no masturbating, no rock and roll flute playing.


Meanwhile Somewhere On The Internet – Christmas Edition

23 Dec

Happy Holidays!

Because you have been extra good this year: