Protected: The General

10 Jul

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GoKarting And The Art Of Zen

9 Jul

The boys can’t do anything just for fun. It always has to be some sort of competition.

Except there is never any trophy, so I’m not sure what the point is… except to maybe crowned King Pointless.

Now I’m listening to the boys argue at the gokart track (for the millionth time in about only 10 races mind you) on who came in first… and guess what, your only riding on a souped up lawn mowers…in a circle none-the-less.

I’m thinking about bolting a couple of lawn chairs to a couple of lawn mowers and let them race to see who can cut the grass the fastest.

Just try to have fun please.

Although Dylan did get his revenge in bumper boats. The gun on the front of Jamie’s boat was aimed a little too high to hit Dylan.

Dylan managed to keep a constant blast of water in Jamie’s face while Jamie kept a constant blast of water over Dylan’s head and onto the back of his boat.

I laughed my ass off.

The Wit And Wisdom Of A Four Year Old Pt1

9 Jul


Four Year Old: “But Daddy I don’t like it, but I do. I do like it.”
Me: ” So do you want it?”
Four Year Old: (screaming) “I. Said. I. Don’t. Like. It!”

When asked if she wanted a yogurt.

Protected: The Taste Of The Dead

9 Jul

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8 Jul

The dog keeps sniffing my ankles and the 4 year old keeps sniffing my elbows. Can’t figure out what the hell they want….oops, forgot to make lunch.

Protected: Damn Neighbor Kids

8 Jul

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Think About It…

8 Jul

Playboy would be a lot cooler magazine in Harry Potter’s world.

What did you say Dad?

8 Jul

If my teenager doesn’t learn to listen, I’m going to pretend to have dementia, and make him change my poopy diapers.

Why Can’t I Get The Cable Channels I Want?

8 Jul

What do you mean the BET channel is not about gambling?

Over heard at the dinner table tonight:

8 Jul

Oldest Son: I don’t think they should send fruit roll ups to Africa.
Oldest Daughter: You can’t trip Dad while he is sitting down.
Youngest Son: I thought the prosecution wore the black mask and had the giant axe.
Youngest Daughter: I am not a constipated monkey!