An Uncomfortable Conversation Between A Unicorn And An Octopus

21 May

An Uncomfortable Conversation Between A Unicorn And An Octopus

So….you’re an octopus?


So…you like the ocean?

Really don’t have much of a choice do I?

Guess not. *Tee Hee.*

So…is it true you poop rainbows?

Ummm…I’m out. *Flies away*

A Second Uncomfortable Conversation Between A Unicorn And An Octopus

Show me that trick where you squirt ink out of your butt.

It doesn’t come out of my butt. And no. I only use it in defense.

That’s too bad. It’s really the only thing cool about you.

Tell you what…you poop a rainbow for me, and I’ll squirt some ink for you. Deal?

You’re gross! *Flies away*

A Third Uncomfortable Conversation Between A Unicorn And An Octopus But This Time Being Interrupted By Albert Einstein Asking For Directions To A Strip Club

Hey Octo…you don’t care if I call you Octo, do you?

I do, and say, aren’t you an imaginary animal? How can we even be having a conversation anyway?

Excuse me…anybody know how to get to Leave It To Beaver’s?


Hey! Aren’t you Albert Einstein?

Uh….no! *Flies Away*

2 Responses to “An Uncomfortable Conversation Between A Unicorn And An Octopus”

  1. RFL May 21, 2012 at 9:44 PM #

    Nice random character grouping. New rule–all strip clubs should be named Leave it To Beavers.

  2. chrisdevoss May 21, 2012 at 10:27 PM #

    Weird, so did I!

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