Things My Teenager Is Saying Pt One

17 Jul

Here are things the oldest boy is saying which is lost on me, but the new slang for his generation. It happens to everyone eventually…the point where your language is not cool anymore

He likes to call the youngest boy, A scrub, or you scrub!

According to the Urban Dictionary this means:

1. A dude who act like a playa or like he sumthin but really got nothin. A broke guy with no job, no car, no girl..etc

A loser with nothing to offer a woman.

( I dont want no nasty scrub )
( Has nothin to offer me )
2. A scrub is a now generalized term used as a synonym for a “noob” or “newb,” which is someone who is bad at a video game or activity in general.

The original definition is related to a person who makes a mistake in a video game, which is such a bad mistake that it is clearly wrong, yet they persist in making it. The term derives from Street Fighter II, to describe some players that were so bad that they would mash their hands across the control pad, an act known as “scrubbing,” because it relates to scrubbing a car or other object with a sponge. Thus they were deemed “scrubbers,” or “scrubs” for short. Over time this term expanded throughout the gaming world, and then the real world, and lost its original meaning.

If you’re a scrub, then you owe me a cookie.
And things he likes are called Beast. Dad, that was really beast!
According to the Urban Dictionary this means:
1) anything that is good, or someone that is good, past tense to own someone that is beast

you are such a beasti beasted you

2) A person or thing that looks tough, ripped, cut, or has an intimidating presence.

Adjective Form: Nate is beast.Noun Form: Nate is a huge beast.